Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Air France ad

The intended audience for this Airline ad would be upper class couples who are looking to take a vacation overseas. The picture illustrated above implies that the people in the picture have a good amount of money to be dressing nicely and drinking champagne.
The elements used to persuade the audience to buy a ticket on this airplane are the headline, "Gracious Living Aloft," implies that not only are the guests being pampered, but there is also a spacious area for a comfortable flight. These make a good form of persuasion because when people are looking to fly overseas, mainly upper class members, they want to not only be comfortable but feel like they are being treated highly since the flights were a more prestigious way of transportation during that time period.
The message influences upper class couples just like the ones shown above to take vacations and spend their free time away in another country. Also, the ad influences the use of alcohol as if going on the plane is a celebratory event that brings happiness to the couple.

The company for this ad is selling an airline called Air France which is a plane that can fly overseas. The ad is trying to center around the idea that the airplane can be a both fast and comfortable way of travel.  The time period that this ad fits into would be the early 1950s. This time period is when more couples were becoming more interested with flying around the world because of the post war boom and time of peace.
The advertising method being used in this ad is Dynamic Obsolescence because of the paragraph where the ad describes the difference between "The Partisan," and "The Partisan Special". This shows that the company is trying to compare two different models to make the consumer seem like the new plane is better and is the way to go with traveling.
The airplane was an important new use of transportation that could not only take people around the country but the world as well. This was very attractive to people who loved to travel and wanted a fast and easy trip to their favorite parts of the world. The plane offers comfort for the long travels which might make a consumer more inclined to taking a trip.
The stereotype shown here are the typical white upper class whom are able to enjoy a luxurious trip together. There is a business man and his companion whom are able to take part in this fun experience, sipping on champagne and sitting first class. The ad does not really appeal to those of the middle class and lower.

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